
Upcoming Events

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6th – 28th June – National Staff Gathering in Pretoria read more


DIMEP impact Churches & Campuses

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Our Discipleship & Missions Exposure Programme (DIMEP) has been doing exceptionally well read more


Miracle opens door in Muslim village

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God continues to move in power – doing miracles and saving souls as our team continues to reach out to more Muslim villages.

One such example is the story of Kapita village among the Yao people in Malawiwhere one of our colleagues stopped to ask for water to drink on his way to another village. Like the story of Jesus by the well (John 4), he drank their water and gave them the Living Water. He happened to enter the house of the chief of the village whose daughter was demon possessed. This lady, Magratte, though only in her late 20s, looked like a woman in her 80s. She had lived for many years under 24/7 of demonic torture, so that she could not bear to look at daylight. She couldn’t stop eating, and was visited every night by demons who tormented her by beating her. When Bro. Keyasoni (our team member) prayed a prayer of faith, Magratte was healed, and the entire chief’s family and another 16 people, all Muslims, turned to Christ. Now a Bible class is being held every Thursday in the chief’s compound.


Change of Leadership

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The two pioneer leaders of our ministry recently handed over leadership. read more


Valley of a 1,000 Outreach changing young lives

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The educational outreach we launched in the Zulu homeland of the Valley of a 1,000 Hills has been bearing very encouraging fruits.

The Valley Education Thrust (VET) is an initiative to provide supplementary educational input for students in high schools in the Valley, so as to afford them a better chance in their matric exam.

Our three volunteer teachers are graduates from various places and have been used by God to impact many lives both within and outside the classrooms. Providing several hours of supplementary classes as well as helping with the regular classes, we have seen a marked improvement in the student’s performance in Maths and English.

Apart from their academics, we have been encouraged to see God transform some of these young lives. Several have given their lives to Christ and, at times, in very dramatic circumstances. One day during the course of school two girls possessed by demons began to manifest in class. As expected, this caused a commotion. Our volunteers intervened and rebuked the demons. One of the girls was delivered from the demonic possession and got saved. The other was not ready to give her life to Christ.

Not only is VET impacting the high school students, it is also helping to disciple and equip the volunteers in their walk with, and service for, God. Our desire is that some of these volunteers will eventually become missionaries. According to Ayanda Tyumdu, one of our VET volunteers, ‘God is truly at work here’


Welcome to the CAPRO SA e-newsletter

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The other day while counselling with a lady attending our DIMEP training, she shared how a leaders conference we had a year before had been a life-changer for her. Her testimony not only encouraged me, but renewed my commitment to help many more. Though I knew God had worked in that meeting I hadn’t realised it was this deep.

There are two lessons I see from this incident. Firstly, how mistaken we can be to think just because we cannot see what is happening that God is not at work. You may be in that place right now where you have put in so much and you are asking yourself ‘Is it worth it?’. Well, let me tell you: If you are doing what God has called you to do in the way you know He wants it, then it is worth it. And be assured of this: He is at work even when you cannot see him.

Secondly, how important it is that we get some feedback. It is important that we share the testimonies of what God has done. Think of the encouragement this can bring. Think of how this can strengthen the hands of those who are committed. This is why we are excited to finally begin this CAPRO SA monthly e-newsletter! We want to use this means to keep you updated with all God is doing among us because of your praying and giving.

We trust that these updates will encourage and challenge you in your walk with the Lord as well as strengthen you in your commitment to partner with us in CAPRO to reach the remaining unreached peoples of Africa and beyond.

We appreciate you!

May all the nations praise Him,


For CAPRO Missions SA



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CAPRO is a faith mission. Both the ministry and its missionaries depend on God’s provision through the giving of his people.

None of its missionaries are salaried. All gifts are used as designated. To give to CAPRO use bank details below.

Banking details:

Account number: 62125598237
FNB, Menlyn Park, Pretoria



CAPRO SA Prayer Bulletin for September 2011

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Beloved, Greetings! Attached is CAPRO SA Prayer Bulletin for September 2011.

Needless to say, your prayers are our greatest need in this work as we seek to occupy till He comes in this region. All we need is a minute or two of your time daily to lift up this items. It is meant to be printed out and folded into four so it can easily be inserted into one’s Bible to use at quiet time.

Please feel free to forward it to those believers on your mailing list. And let us all individually use it to pray in our family altar and quiet time too.

I am really excited about the possibilities of what your prayer can do.
Thank you so much for your partnership


Please download the Sept 2011 Prayer Bulletin here


Aug 2011 Prayer Bulletin (Capro Missions SA)

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Dear Praying Friends of CAPRO SA, “Please pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.”Colossians 4:3.

We want to thank you for using this daily prayer sheet to pray for CAPRO. All we do depend upon faithful prayers like yours to produce the fruits God desires as we labour to equip the Church to take the gospel to the remaining unreached peoples. The few minutes you invest daily in lifting these subjects to heaven is making an eternity of a difference in the lives of so many. So be encouraged as you keep praying.

Please download the Aug 2011 Prayer Bulletin here


Durban Mission Centre

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A centre for releasing missionaries to the nations – 6.3 hectares farm with a large farm house, 4 cottages, and a warehouse/workshop.

Dearly beloved,

My trip to Madagascar and the Comoros Islands helped me to see how important our quest to raise labourers is.

That is why I want you to be updated on this property we need. We are excited about the possibility of acquiring this property because of how much it will facilitate and increase this great work of raising and equipping a new generation of missionaries from South Africa especially from among the Black and Indian communities.

Please take the time to view the attached update: look at the pictures of this property, envision with us the possibilities it presents us in serving the unreached and how you can be involved.

I understand perfectly well how the first reaction to Iwhat it is needed to acquire this beautiful property can be ‘how shall these things be?’. But when we remember with Whom we have to do, we can say: ‘Through our God we shall do valiantly, for it is He (not us) Who will tread down our enemies’ (Ps.60:12). A dear friend captured this sentiment so well in a recent mail: ‘It really is a serene and beautiful property – the amount scared me at first but I quickly reminded myself that our God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ever ask or dream of.

Wow this property has really pulled on my heart. I won’t be giving heaven any rest on this one.’ And giving heaven no rest on this project is what we need you to do. We believe God wants to give us this property and he wants to use every one of us to make it

We invite you to pray for this provision and also prayerfully consider how God wants you to be involved in this project. We thank you for your partnership. Together we shall acquire this beautiful property for advancing the gospel.

This property will serve as:

1. A Mobilisation Centre for the entire KwaZulu Natal and beyond
2 A training base both for our residential discipleship and missions training and several other types of training to release hundreds of young people into the mission field.3. A base for our outreach among the very poor black townships around here.
4. Our CAPRO SA Media base – a multimedia production unit and a printing press
5.Staff accommodation for our growing team

We need R3.6m ($US 490,000) for the property. Presently have almost R140,000 ($US 20,000) that is about 4% of the needed
sum. It’s quite a sum but I’m imagining that if everyone gives something as God leads maybe $50 (R350 or N7,500), $100 (R700 or N15,000) or more monthly over the next six to ten months towards these needs, the budget can be quickly met.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Above all, let us pray for God is up to something!

That all the nations may praise Him,

Chim & Ibidun Onyebilanma

